Sebastian Brötzler

User Experience Designer | Interface Designer | Developer

Hi, I'm a 31 years old Developer, Experience Designer and Interaction Designer based in Ulm (Germany). I finished my studies with the Bachelor's degree in Computer Science in Media at Hochschule Furtwangen University in February 2016. Currently I am doing my Master in Audiovisual Media with the focus on "Interactive Systems" at Stuttgart Media University. I am highly motivated in making new experiences and dealing with complex challenges.


2018-2021 Master of Engineering – Stuttgart Media University, Audiovisual Media, Stuttgart
2019-2020 Semester Abroad – Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia
2016-2017 Work and Travel – Educational Journey, Southeast Asia, Australia
2012-2016 Bachelor of Science – Hochschule Furtwangen University, Computer Science in Media, Furtwangen
2009-2012 General Matriculation Standard – Gestalt- und Medientechnisches Gymnasium, Schwäbisch Gmünd


UX / UI Design

We develop products for human and Design shapes their behavior. I am passionate about exploring the user needs to conceptualize new interaction ideas for modern technologies.

Software Engineering

Over the past years I have acquired an extensive knowledge base of state-of-the-art technology and programming languages. I programmed prototypes for AR, VR and Smart Home applications. (C++, Java, C#, Python, Javascript, etc..)

Multimedia Production

I am an enthusiastic hobby photographer, videographer and musician. Working with the Adobe Collection and other software for creatives is no problem for me.