CuppyTalk Sleep Prevention & Behavior Change


Persuasive Design Prototyping App Design Design Thinking UX/UI Design Sleep Prevention Behavior Change Gamification

My main tasks

  • Design Thinking
  • Ideation / Concept
  • Low Fidelity Prototyping
  • User Evaluation

Project Description

In cooperation with Merzedes-Benz Bank we came up with a concept and App-Prototype for sleep prevention and behavior change of motor vehicle drivers. The goal was to trigger the intrinsic motivation of the driver, not to operate a vehicle in drowsy condition. The challenge was mostly about finding a persuasive design solution, people shouldn't feel like being forced by the application. Drivers should be concious about their drowsiness and health condition to insure safe driving. Our final concept is about a "Buddy" called Cuppy. It's a digital companion during the users daily life. With the help of a gamification approach, the user should establish a trustful relationship with Cuppy. Cuppy assists the user in everyday use and as a result the user listens to the application's advices regarding sleep prevention while driving.

Implementation: Adobe XD, Design Thinking, Personas